Complete Guide to Using GitHub

From Basic to Advanced

Dinis Magalhães Esteves
13 min readFeb 10, 2024

Version control is a fundamental aspect of software development that plays a pivotal role in managing changes to source code over time. It provides a systematic way to track alterations, compare different versions, and revert to previous states, ensuring a structured and organized development process.

GitHub, a widely used platform for version control, takes this concept to the next level by offering a collaborative and distributed environment.

Beyond the traditional functionalities of versioning, GitHub enhances collaboration among developers, allowing them to work seamlessly on the same project, contribute collectively, and maintain a unified codebase.

In essence, the combination of version control and GitHub is crucial for maintaining code integrity, enabling collaboration among team members, and ensuring a smooth and efficient software development lifecycle.

This dynamic duo not only facilitates individual coding projects but also fosters a global community where developers can share, learn, and innovate collectively.

1. Creating an Account and Initial Setup:

  1. Visit GitHub: Navigate to the GitHub website at and click on the “Sign Up” button.
  2. Account Information: Fill in the required information, including your username, email address, and a strong password. Click “Create account.”
  3. Choose a Plan: GitHub offers various plans, including a free plan for public repositories. Select the plan that best suits your needs.
  4. Verify Your Email: After providing your email address, GitHub will send a verification email. Open the email and click on the verification link to activate your account.
  5. Initial Profile Setup: Once your account is verified, you can customize your profile by adding a profile picture and a brief bio. This step is optional but recommended for a more personalized experience.
  6. Configuring Git Locally: Before using GitHub, configure Git on your local machine. Download and install Git from, if not already installed.
  7. Setting up Git Credentials: Configure your Git credentials by setting your username and email. Use the following commands in your terminal, replacing “YourUsername” and “” with your GitHub username and email:
git config --global "YourUsername"
git config --global ""

8. SSH Key Setup (Optional): For added security and convenience, consider setting up an SSH key. GitHub provides instructions on how to generate and add an SSH key to your account.

With these steps completed, you'll have a GitHub account ready for action, and your local machine configured to interact seamlessly with the platform.

2. Initializing a Repository:

  1. Navigate to GitHub: Go to and log in to your account.
  2. Create a New Repository: On the top-right corner of the GitHub page, click on the “+” icon, and select “New repository.”
  3. Repository Information: Fill in the repository name, add a brief description (optional), and choose the repository’s visibility (public or private).
  4. Initialize with a README (Optional): If you want to include a README file (highly recommended for project documentation), check the “Initialize this repository with a README” box.
  5. Add a .gitignore File (Optional): You can select a .gitignore file to exclude specific files or directories from version control, depending on your project’s requirements.
  6. Choose a License (Optional): If your project is open source, consider adding an open-source license to define how others can use your code.
  7. Create Repository: Click the “Create repository” button to finalize the process.
  8. Clone Repository Locally (Optional): If you haven’t initialized a local repository yet, use the provided HTTPS or SSH link to clone the repository to your local machine. Run the following command in your terminal:
git clone

By following these steps, you’ve successfully initialized a GitHub repository, paving the way for efficient version control and collaboration on your project.

3. Working with Commits:

  1. Stage Changes: Before committing changes, stage them using the git add command. This tells Git which modifications you want to include in the next commit.
git add .

2. Commit Changes:Commit the staged changes along with a descriptive message using the git commit command.

git commit -m "Your descriptive commit message here"

3. View Commit History: Explore the commit history of your repository using git log. This displays a chronological list of commits, including commit messages, authors, and timestamps.

git log

4. Amend Commits (Optional): If you need to modify the last commit (for instance, to add a file you forgot), use:

git commit --amend

5. Discard Changes: To discard changes in a file that haven’t been committed, use:

git checkout -- filename

6. Undo Commits (Caution): If you need to undo the last commit entirely, use: (Exercise caution as this action is irreversible.)

git reset --hard HEAD

7. Branching (Optional): Utilize branches for different features or bug fixes. Create a new branch using:

git branch branch-name

and switch to it with:

git checkout branch-name

8. Merge Branches: After completing changes in a branch, merge it back into the main branch (usually master or main) using:

git merge branch-name

By mastering these commit-related actions, you enhance your ability to track and manage changes in your project effectively, ensuring a well-documented and organized version history.

4. Conflicts and Resolution:

  1. Identify Conflicts: When merging branches, conflicts arise if changes in the branches cannot be automatically reconciled. Git marks these conflicts in the affected files.
  2. View Conflicts: Use the git status command to identify conflicted files. Git will inform you about the conflicted state.
  3. Manual Resolution: Open the conflicted file(s) in your code editor. Git inserts markers (“<<<<<<<”, “=======”, “>>>>>>>”) to delineate conflicting sections. Manually edit the file to resolve conflicts.
  4. Mark as Resolved: After manual resolution, mark the file as resolved using:
git add filename

5. Complete the Merge: Continue the merge process by committing the resolved changes with:

git commit -m "Your descriptive commit message here"

6. Merge Tool (Optional): Git provides merge tools to streamline conflict resolution. Configure your preferred tool (e.g., KDiff3, Beyond Compare) in the Git configuration, then use during conflicts:

git mergetool

7. Aborting Merge: If conflicts are too complex or undesirable, abort the merge with git merge --abort. This reverts your working directory to its pre-merge state.

8. Communication and Collaboration: Collaborate with team members to address conflicts promptly. Effective communication ensures smooth conflict resolution and maintains code consistency.

By understanding how to handle conflicts and employing appropriate tools, you contribute to a seamless collaboration process, ensuring that changes from different contributors integrate harmoniously into the project.

5. Collaboration:

  1. Forking Repositories:

Forking involves creating a personal copy of another user’s repository. Click the “Fork” button on the repository’s GitHub page to duplicate it to your account.

Forking is ideal for contributing to open-source projects without direct write access. Your changes in the fork won’t affect the original repository until you propose them.

2. Pull Requests:

Propose changes back to the original repository through pull requests (PRs). Create a new branch in your fork, make changes, and submit a PR to the original repository.

Clearly articulate the purpose of your changes in the PR description, providing context and facilitating the review process.

3. Code Review:

Code review is a crucial step in collaborative development. Team members or project maintainers review proposed changes to ensure code quality, adherence to coding standards, and alignment with project goals.

Offer constructive feedback during code reviews, focusing on clarity, efficiency, and potential improvements. Discussions in the PR’s comments section help refine the code before merging.

4. Merging Pull Requests:

After a successful code review, the repository owner or maintainers can merge the pull request, incorporating your changes into the main codebase.

Regularly update your fork to stay in sync with the original repository’s changes, minimizing conflicts and maintaining a current codebase.

5. Communication and Collaboration Tools:

Leverage GitHub’s features, such as Issues and Discussions, for broader project communication. These tools facilitate collaboration, problem-solving, and the organization of tasks.

6. Acknowledging Contributors:

Recognize contributors by acknowledging their efforts in the project’s documentation, README file, or through GitHub’s contributor badges. This fosters a sense of community and appreciation.

By mastering collaboration features like forking, pull requests, and code review, you actively contribute to the shared success of a project, creating an environment where developers can collectively enhance and refine code.

6. .gitignore:

  1. Importance of .gitignore: The .gitignore file allows you to specify files or directories that Git should ignore, preventing them from being committed to the repository. This is essential for excluding temporary files, build artifacts, and sensitive information like API keys from version control.
  2. Creating a .gitignore File: To create a .gitignore file, simply create a new text file named “.gitignore” in the root of your Git repository. You can manually list files and patterns to be ignored in the .gitignore file.
  3. Patterns in .gitignore: Use wildcards and patterns to define rules for ignoring files. For example, “*.log” ignores all log files, and “node_modules/” excludes the entire node_modules directory.
  4. Templates for Common Projects: GitHub provides a collection of .gitignore templates tailored for different programming languages, frameworks, and development environments. These templates serve as a great starting point for excluding common files associated with specific project types.
  5. Global .gitignore: You can set up a global .gitignore file for patterns that should be ignored across all your repositories. Use the following command to configure a global .gitignore file:
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global

6. Customizing .gitignore: Tailor your .gitignore file to the specific needs of your project. Regularly update it as your project evolves and new files are introduced.

7. Community .gitignore Files: Leverage the knowledge of the developer community by exploring and using existing .gitignore files shared on platforms like GitHub. These can offer insights into commonly ignored files for various project types.

By harnessing the power of .gitignore, you ensure that your Git repository remains focused on versioning essential code and resources while excluding unnecessary or sensitive files. This contributes to a cleaner repository history and a more efficient collaboration process.

7. Releases and Tags:

  1. Creating Releases:

Releases in GitHub represent a snapshot of your project at a specific point in time, often corresponding to a version.

To create a release, go to your repository on GitHub, click on the “Releases” tab, and then “Draft a new release.”

Provide a version number, a title for the release, and a description detailing what’s included in this release.

2. Release Assets:

Attach binaries, installers, or any additional files relevant to the release as assets. This makes it easier for users to access the exact files associated with a particular version.

3. Tagging Specific Points:

Tags are references to specific commits in your repository’s history. They serve as markers for significant points, such as version releases or major feature implementations.

To create a tag, use the following command in your local repository:

git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "Release 1.0.0"

This example creates an annotated tag named “v1.0.0” with a message.

4. Pushing Tags to GitHub:

After creating a tag locally, push it to GitHub using the following command:

git push origin v1.0.0

5. Viewing Tags:

You can view tags on GitHub in the “Tags” tab of your repository. Tags provide a quick overview of important points in your project’s history.

6. Semantic Versioning (SemVer):

Consider adopting Semantic Versioning (SemVer) for versioning your releases. SemVer provides a clear set of rules for version numbers, making it easier for developers to understand the impact of changes.

7. Changelog:

Maintain a changelog file that documents changes for each release. This file helps users understand what to expect in each version and facilitates collaboration among contributors.

8. Release Notes:

When creating a release, include comprehensive release notes in the description. Clearly communicate what has changed, any new features, bug fixes, or breaking changes.

8. GitHub Pages:

GitHub Pages is a powerful feature that allows you to turn your GitHub repository into a live website, showcasing your projects, documentation, or personal portfolio. Here’s a guide on leveraging GitHub Pages to establish an online presence for your content:

  1. Enabling GitHub Pages:
  • Navigate to the “Settings” tab of your GitHub repository.
  • Scroll down to the “GitHub Pages” section.
  • Choose the branch you want to use for GitHub Pages (commonly “main” or “master”).
  • Click on “Save” to enable GitHub Pages for your repository.

2. Selecting a Source Branch:

Decide whether you want GitHub Pages to build from the root of the repository or from a designated “docs” folder. Choose the appropriate source branch or folder in the settings.

3. Custom Domain (Optional):

If you have a custom domain, you can configure GitHub Pages to use it. Update the repository settings with your custom domain, and configure your domain registrar’s settings to point to GitHub’s servers.

4. Jekyll Integration (Optional):

GitHub Pages supports Jekyll, a static site generator. If your project uses Jekyll, GitHub Pages will automatically build your site. Customize your Jekyll configuration by adding a _config.yml file to your repository.

5. Adding Content:

Create an index.html file at the root of your repository or in the designated source folder. This file will serve as the main page for your GitHub Pages site.

You can also add additional HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files to enhance the presentation and functionality of your site.

6. Markdown Support:

GitHub Pages supports Markdown, allowing you to create clean and easily maintainable content. Write documentation or blog posts directly in Markdown format.

7. Project Pages vs. User/Organization Pages:

GitHub Pages can be used for project-specific documentation (Project Pages) or to host personal or organizational content (User/Organization Pages). Choose the appropriate setup based on your needs.

8. Continuous Deployment:

GitHub Pages offers continuous deployment, meaning your site will be automatically updated whenever you push changes to the designated branch.

9. GitHub Pages Themes (Optional):

Explore GitHub Pages themes to quickly apply a stylish and responsive design to your site. Choose a theme and customize it to fit your project’s aesthetic.

9. Advanced Tips:

  1. Rebase vs. Merge:

Understanding when to use rebase and when to opt for merge is crucial. Use rebase for a cleaner commit history and a linear timeline. Merge, on the other hand, is suitable for preserving the original context of changes. Choose the approach that aligns with your project’s needs and collaboration style.

2. Actions and CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment):

GitHub Actions is a powerful automation tool integrated into GitHub. Leverage it to set up workflows for continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD). Automate tasks like testing, building, and deploying your code, ensuring a streamlined and error-resistant development pipeline.

3. Utilizing Issues and Projects:

GitHub Issues and Projects provide robust tools for project management. Issues serve as a centralized hub for discussions, bug tracking, and feature requests. Projects, on the other hand, offer Kanban-style boards for organizing tasks and managing workflows. Integrate Issues and Projects to enhance collaboration and keep your development process well-organized.

4. Creating Custom Workflows with GitHub Actions:

Customize GitHub Actions workflows to suit your project’s specific needs. Define complex workflows with multiple jobs, dependencies, and conditional triggers. This level of customization allows you to tailor your CI/CD pipeline precisely to your project requirements.

5. Branch Protection Rules:

Implement branch protection rules to safeguard critical branches from accidental or unauthorized changes. Define required status checks, enforce code reviews, and set up branch restrictions to maintain code quality and project stability.

6. Use of Git Hooks:

Git hooks allow you to automate actions at specific points in the Git workflow. Set up pre-commit hooks for code linting or formatting, ensuring that changes meet project standards before being committed.

7. Secrets Management in GitHub Actions:

When using GitHub Actions for CI/CD, manage sensitive information such as API keys or access tokens securely. Utilize GitHub Secrets to store and access these confidential variables in your workflows.

8. Interactive Rebase:

Interactive rebase provides a powerful way to edit, reorder, or squash commits interactively. Use this feature to clean up your commit history before merging branches, making it more coherent and focused.

10. Good Practices:

  1. Standardized Commit Messages:

Adopt a consistent format for commit messages. Follow the conventional commit message style, including a concise summary and an optional detailed description. This practice enhances clarity and facilitates automated versioning.

2. Documentation and

Maintain thorough documentation for your project, and include a comprehensive file. Clearly articulate the project’s purpose, installation instructions, usage guidelines, and any other relevant information. A well-crafted README enhances project understanding and encourages contributions.

3. Issue and Pull Request Etiquette:

Establish a clear etiquette for issues and pull requests (PRs). Encourage contributors to provide detailed descriptions, steps to reproduce, and any relevant context when opening issues. Similarly, guide contributors to create descriptive PR titles and explanations, facilitating efficient code review.

4. Branch Naming Conventions:

Adopt a consistent and meaningful branch naming convention. This practice aids in quickly understanding the purpose of a branch, whether it’s a feature, bug fix, or a specific task.

5. Use of Labels:

Leverage GitHub’s labeling system for issues and PRs. Apply labels to categorize tasks, bugs, enhancements, and more. This visual representation enhances project management and helps contributors identify tasks aligned with their expertise or interest.

6. Code Review Guidelines:

Establish clear guidelines for code reviews. Encourage thorough reviews, constructive feedback, and adherence to coding standards. Code reviews are an invaluable step in maintaining code quality and knowledge sharing within the team.

7. Testing Best Practices:

Implement and document testing best practices. Clearly define how tests should be written, where they should be located, and the expected testing outcomes. This ensures the reliability and stability of your codebase.

8. Contributing Guidelines:

Provide contributing guidelines to help new contributors understand how to get involved in the project. Outline the process for submitting issues, creating PRs, and any specific coding standards or conventions to follow.

9. Versioning Strategy:

Define a versioning strategy for your project. Whether following Semantic Versioning (SemVer) or an alternative approach, a consistent versioning scheme communicates changes effectively and aids users in understanding the impact of updates.

By embracing these best practices, you create a collaborative environment that encourages effective communication, maintains code quality, and fosters a positive and inclusive contribution culture within your GitHub repository.


In summarizing our exploration of the GitHub universe, we’ve delved into essential practices aimed at enhancing efficiency and collaboration in development projects. From the inception of repositories to advanced strategies like CI/CD and rebase, each topic has underscored critical aspects for effective version control and teamwork.

Standardizing commit messages, giving due attention to documentation and, and thoughtfully labeling issues and pull requests have emerged as cornerstones for clear communication and seamless collaboration. As we conclude, it’s important to emphasize the significance of continuous practice and perpetual learning. The dynamic nature of the development landscape encourages adaptability and ongoing improvement. Embracing these practices fosters a culture of constant refinement, ensuring that your GitHub experience remains a journey of perpetual growth and innovation.

Additional Resources:

Explore the following links for official documentation, tutorials, and courses related to GitHub:

  1. GitHub Documentation: Access the official GitHub documentation for in-depth information on features, workflows, and best practices.
  2. GitHub Learning Lab: Engage in hands-on learning experiences tailored to GitHub. Courses cover topics ranging from beginner essentials to advanced workflows.
  3. GitHub Guides: Browse a collection of concise guides covering various GitHub topics, designed to assist both beginners and experienced users.
  4. GitHub Education: Explore GitHub’s education resources, offering tools and initiatives for students, educators, and educational institutions.
  5. Pro Git Book: Read the “Pro Git” book for a comprehensive guide to Git, the version control system that underlies GitHub.
  6. GitHub YouTube Channel: Subscribe to the GitHub YouTube channel for video tutorials, feature highlights, and discussions.
  7. GitHub Desktop: Download GitHub Desktop, a user-friendly GUI for interacting with Git repositories, simplifying common tasks.
  8. GitHub CLI: Explore GitHub CLI, a command-line interface for GitHub that allows you to manage repositories directly from the terminal.

These resources provide a wealth of knowledge and practical guidance to further enhance your proficiency with GitHub. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, continuous learning is key to mastering the intricacies of this powerful platform.

